Parts of a river

Review the different parts of a river by watching this video and playing the game below:

Rivers of Spain

Learning songs is a good way of studying and memorising some things... here you have one song with the names of the most important rivers of Spain

We are sure this way you will learn them all very fast!

MATTER: What are mass, volume and density?

MATTER is everything around us that takes up space. 

Its properties are mass and volume.

 Check these videos to review what mass, volume and density are!

Now try to answer these questions!

Past simple: Check what you know!

Here you have a document with some exercises to practise the use of irregular verbs.

You can click on this link, download the document and print it:  

If you want to make sure you are doing the exercises right, you can show your teacher any day! Keep up the good work!

Apps Matemàtiques!

Aquí teniu diferents apps per practicar matemàtiques! 
Us animeu a provar-les?

* La majoria NO són gratuïtes! Us recomanem que demaneu als pares que mirin la informació de cada aplicació i penseu quina creieu que us pot ajudar més.